Align Yourself with Limitless Reality
The workshop was inspiring and I feel it helped me grow. The teaching was well put together, and it was a pleasure to share this with everyone in the class. ~ Hege
I really appreciated being in a positive supportive environment, with like minded people. Being able to be open and encouraged to reach my highest potential. ~ John
Attending Yelena's workshop help me become more aware of my limiting beliefs and taught me tools on how to shift the negative to positive. I am leaving feeling lighter with a smile on my face. ~ Cathy
This workshop was a wonderful reminder of practices I started to forget and learning of new tools to be limitless. Thank you very much! ~ Anya
I took away the emotion swing exercise. Also I really liked the talk about the violet light and how it can transform negative into the light. Also the final meditation of the workshop was really great, I felt that it really moved me onto a higher energy, I will practice it at home as well. ~ Dasha
I showed up absolutely terrified and in resistance. I’ve been in resistance for longer than I should’ve allowed. I am so happy and proud of myself for pushing through and still showing up and committing to myself. I realized that everything truly is okay and I can get better if I truly practice. I cannot keep running because I’m too afraid to face my fears. I appreciate Yelena's kind reminders. When I can’t remind myself how to be okay, Yelena was there for me, and I appreciate her and this education very much. I felt very disconnected from myself and this feels tremendously better. Thank you, Yelena. I feel like I can lift my head and be seen. It is okay, people aren’t judging me. ~ Pauline
This workshop reminded me how important it is to support the spirit in the journey to creating a life that is fulfilling. I learned about the violet flame, how to manage emotional swings and hope for an action plan to move forward. I hope to lean into limitless patterns vs. limiting patterns daily. Thank you! ~ Natalie
10% from each registration will be donated to empowerment women organization Sai Maa Women's Center and Shelter in India.
Clear Your Energy for Something Greater
has brought new awareness and helped participants to clear the energies that didn't serve them to become more available to their own potential, be more open, courageous and active.
I left this workshop feeling recharged. Yelena is graceful and inspiring in the way that she shares her wisdom. I don't know a single person that couldn't benefit from spending time with a group of people discussing the best ways to stay centered, communicate, and continue to turn out and share the best version of themselves. Thank you, Yelena! ~ Maddie
Yelena’s Dare to be Your Authentic Unique Self was powerful. I found the content to be valuable and centered on my life. I truly appreciated how Yelena invited all the participants to share their life experiences. I think this sharing added a new level of relevance to the experience for everyone. I left inspired and with tools to help me reach deeper into my spiritual journey. I’ll continue to be regular. ~ Bruce
The Claim Your Abundance. It's Your Birthright
workshop liberated everyone from their limiting fear-based patterns around abundance and prosperity
Participants of the workshop:
Became aware of the limiting fear-based patterns such as sabotage, control, scarcity, etc. and their detrimental role in blocking the abundance and prosperity
Understood the necessity in accepting what is to attract the flow of life itself
Activated the patterns that liberate us to fully participate in life
Made an action plan to anchor and deepen liberating patterns of abundance
Created consciousness to become successful in the world
I found Yelena Dent's latest workshop, Claiming Your Abundance, valuable in my life's journey. She helped me and the entire group understand how limiting patterns can easily sabotage our successes and relationships. For me, learning how to transform my limiting patterns, using love and choice, into behavior that supports my life's purpose is a true blessing. ~ Bruce
This workshop provided me with tools to identify negative qualities and patterns in my personality and transform them into positive qualities and patterns. This workshop helped me to end my relationship with negative patterns and live with more abundance and happiness! ~ Kathleen
It was an enjoyable workshop full of discoveries about the consciousness, and its patterns. Yelena's guidelines were easy-to-follow and detailed. With any negative pattern I encounter, whether it's inside or outside source, now I know how to cope with it. ~ Kate
Access the Freedom Within Workshop
brought a new level of emotional freedom for each participant
A glass of juice spills all over you... ~ Sherry
I got a clarity of my life that I never had before... ~ Mike
I was really empowered and my spirit was lifted so much... ~ Lynette
I recommitted myself to using my power in my life instead of staying powerless. ~ Lynette
I learned how to make requests from others, live in your higher self, and live with faith! ~ Kathleen
yelena dent playshop
Playshop Be a Passionate and Joyful Creator brings forth playfulness and innocence of children in everyone